We are optimists. We try to be. Recent years have casted a shadow over our hope for a better world. Surely, a feeling most of us can relate to. But amidst the dimming optimism in these dark times, we saw an opportunity. It taught us that we can harness darkness to ignite a brighter future. So, for this collection, we grew up. Said bye to the blue skies, the doves, and the flowers. Not forever, but for now. As a means to reflect, to provoke, and to inspire. Because sometimes, reality is the ultimate dream after waking from a nightmare.
As part of this collection, we unveil a new logo that reimagines one of the most iconic symbols of pop culture today: The Peace sign. A rebranding drags this emblem out of the 60s and into the 21st century – infusing it with relevance that speaks to a new generation. We believe just as times change, so must the symbols that represent change.